Round faces are the most misunderstood and miss-diagnosed of all face shapes. I’ll bet about 75% of you reading this post, who think you have a round face shape . . . don’t. That’s about the percentage of women who get it wrong in my class, Finding the Right Hairstyle for You!

Short Hairstyles 2011
Hairstyles for round faces allow to increasing your personality when you choose correctly. Moreover if you consulted in advance about the hairstyles for round faces with a professional hairstylist. For that we revealed some of examples around the hairstyles for round faces
2011. Starting from short hairstyles for round faces, Asian
hairstyles for round faces, hairstyles for fat round faces, until medium hairstyles for round faces.

Short Trendy
Hairstyles 2011 Short hairstyles for round faces are capable of properly displaying your excess. Discover
short hairstyles for
round faces which match with fashionable in 2011 here.

Pictures of Short Hair Styles

Prom hairstyles for short hair

Short Hairstyle for Women

Short Curly Hairstyles

Medium Hairstyles for women
“I’m ROUND!!!” is how the disappointed woman will announce her perceived round face shape. It is said, in such a way, as if having a round face shape is a failure of sorts. How did round face shapes get such a bad rap? (I think because it is wrongly equated with being overweight.) Round face shapes can be the most exquisite and lovely faces of all. Women will quickly mis-diagnose their round face shape, after a small weight gain, say, or after a long winter of indulging in a multitude of sins. But, a small weight gain usually Hairstyles for round faceswon’t change an oval face shape to a round face shape. Bone structure is the most important factor in the geometry that makes up our visual face shape.